Overcoming Livestreaming Myths

Livestreaming youth sports has never been more accessible, but misconceptions still hold some teams and families back from giving it a try. Many assume it’s too expensive, too complicated, or requires a bulky setup—when in reality, sidelineHD makes livestreaming youth sports easier than ever. Let’s break down some of the most common livestreaming myths and show you just how simple and affordable it is to capture every moment.

Misconception #1: The equipment to livestream is expensive

Reality: The equipment needed to livestream with sidelineHD is affordable! All you need is two mobile devices, a mount or trips, and the free sidelineHD App.

Misconception #2: The technology is confusing and hard to use

Reality: Livestreaming with sidelineHD is simple. Just follow the easy-to-understand steps in the sidelineHD App to start streaming.

Misconception #3: Setting up the camera to livestream is bulky and complicated

Reality: Setting up your camera to stream with sidelineHD is simple. Just put the camera in a fence mount or tripod with a battery pack and you’re ready to stream!

Don’t let outdated myths keep you from sharing the excitement of game day! With sidelineHD, livestreaming is affordable, user-friendly, and hassle-free. Whether you’re a coach, parent, or player, capturing and sharing big plays has never been easier. So grab your phone, set up your stream, and let the memories begin!