Streaming with sidelineHD is simple, but if you have run into any trouble, give these tips a try to make your next volleyball stream a great one!
1. Reboot Your Device at the Venue
If you’re traveling to a new area for the match, reboot your device at the venue. This will help your device connect to the nearest, least congested cell tower.
2. Add Additional Team Managers
If your device struggles you can swap with another team manager (ideally someone with a different cellular carrier) If you need help adding team managers click here.
3. Start Your Stream with a Lower Resolution.
For venues with spotty bandwidth, begin your first stream at 960x540. This resolution will balance quality and stability better than higher resolution settings.
4. Be Prepared for Low Bandwidth
If bandwidth drops below 0.6 Mbit, streaming lower than 480p is not ideal. In that case, enable the record while streaming option in the app. This ensures you’ll have a 1080p recording to upload later, even if the live stream struggles. If you need help turning that feature on, click here.